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Bio-Qinon Q10 was launched in 1990 and was one of the first Q10 preparations on the European market. The soft light protective gelatin capsules contain 30 mg of coenzyme Q10 dissolved in vegetable oil. This dose is 5-6 times higher than the amount of Q10 we normally get from the diet. The active compound has extremely good bioavailability since the oil matrix containing the Q10 molecules has been subjected to a special type of heating which allows complete dissolution of the molecules. The superior bioavailability of Bio-Qinon Q10 has been documented in many studies. Since the Bio-Qinon Q10 has been on the European market for so many years, it is one of the most proven Q10 products.

Bio-Qinon Q10

  • Is one of the best-selling Q10 supplements in recent decades due to its extensive bioavailability documentation
  • Contains Q10 which is identical to the coenzyme Q10 produced in our bodies
  • Contains the natural trans form free of synthetic cis isomers. It does not contain any of the contaminants that may be present in other Q10 raw materials, most of which lack documentation
  • The amount of Q10 in a capsule exceeds the amount of Q10 we normally get from the diet

Coenzyme Q10 is a vitamin-like substance with a central role in cellular energy turnover. It actively contributes to the conversion of fat, protein, carbohydrates and alcohol into ATP (adenosine triphosphate), a molecule that stores energy in chemical form. When cells need energy, the ATP molecule is split and energy released. The formation of ATP takes place inside the cells in small bean-shaped structures called mitochondria. Muscle cells need large amounts of energy. Therefore, muscle cells contain significantly more mitochondria than other cell types. The heart muscle is a good example of a body tissue with high mitochondrial density, this is because the heart has an enormous energy demand.

Sources of Q10
Q10 occurs naturally in several types of foods. Some of the best sources are:

  • organ meats
  • Meat
  • Herring
  • soybean oil
  • sardines

A very safe substance
Long-term supplements with Q10 do not affect the body's endogenous production of the compound. There are few side effects when using coenzyme Q10, which makes it a very safe substance to use. Bio-Qinon Q10 has been used for more than 20 years.
Riboflavin is also known as vitamin B2. It is an orange-yellow, water-soluble vitamin. In the body, riboflavin is converted into two so-called flavoproteins, each of which plays important roles as coenzymes in the body's energy production. This occurs in the cell's mitochondria where we also find coenzyme Q10. The diet contains riboflavin in dairy products, in eggs, mushrooms and whole grain products.
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has evaluated evidence behind the product's content of riboflavin and has accepted the following claims:

  • contributes to a normal energy-producing metabolism
  • helps to reduce fatigue and fatigue
  • helps protect cells from oxidative stress
  • helps maintain normal mucous membranes
  • contributes to the maintenance of normal red blood cells
  • contributes to normal iron metabolism

Recommended daily dose:
1-3 capsules in conjunction with meal.
The recommended daily dose should not be exceeded.
Dietary supplements should not be used as an alternative to a varied diet. It is important to have a versatile and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.
Forged Bio in the product name relates to the product having bioavailability.
Net weight:
60 capsules = 43 g, 180 capsules = 128 g
Ingredients :
soybean oil
Gelatin (cattle)
Soybean oil, partially cured
Humectants: glycerol
Coenzyme Q10
Purified water
Antioxidant: alpha-tocopherol
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)
Coloring: iron oxide, riboflavin
Store at room temperature.
Do not store in direct sunlight.
Keep out of reach of small children.

Pharma Nord Bio-Qinon Q10 30mg 60 capsules


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